Everybody Should Donate a Fixed Amount of their Income to Support Charity

To what extent do you agree or disagree?

How to go about writing this essay?

First, read the question carefully. Here the essay prompt makes an assertion – every one should give a fixed amount of their earnings to philanthropic institutions. Decide whether you agree or disagree with that view. Rewrite the given question in your own words in the introduction and then say whether you agree or disagree.

If you agree, here are some points to include

Charities benefit the poor and marginalised sections of the society. Without donations charities cannot work. By making everyone contribute a fixed amount of their income, we can ensure equitable distribution of wealth. Elaborate on these ideas.

If you disagree, here are some points to include

People work hard to earn their money. They should be able to decide how they should spend it. Not everybody can contribute. Some people are already living in poverty. They cannot be made to contribute. Use similar ideas.

Band 9 IELTS essay sample

Some people insist that every one of us should donate a certain portion of our earnings to support charitable causes. I do not agree with this view. In my opinion, people should have the opportunity to decide whether or not they should contribute.

Making it mandatory for all the people to donate a fixed portion of their income to philanthropic institutions will only make them resentful. First, many people are struggling to make their ends meet. If they are made to donate, that will only put them in more difficulty. Second, even if they have sufficient savings, it is still not fair to ask them to contribute. People work hard to earn their money. They should have the freedom to decide how they should spend it. Also, when people give under compulsion, they will hate the cause for which they are giving. This does not help either.

Of course, charitable institutions cannot operate without the generous contributions made by the public. Rather than forcing people to contribute a fixed amount, charities can encourage them to give what they can. People are more likely to give with pleasure when they are under no obligation to donate. The government can encourage them to contribute by making all donations exempt from tax. Religions can also play a major role in cultivating the attitude of giving in people. All major religions consider giving as a noble act. More people will happily give with a little prodding from the heads of various religious institutions.

In conclusion, everybody has the right to decide how they should spend their money. Hence, I believe that forcing people to donate to charities is unfair. A better strategy is to cultivate the habit of giving in people through various incentives like tax exemptions.


Task response: 9/9

The writer has clearly answered the question in the task rubric. The writer disagrees with the given argument and has managed to substantiate their view with convincing ideas.

Coherence and cohesion: 9/9

The writer makes good use of various cohesive elements. The essay is easy to read and understand.

Grammatical range: 9/9

The writer has used a variety of sentence patterns without making many mistakes.

Lexical resources: 9/9

There are no pompous words in this essay; however, the writer has used words appropriate for the context.