Fewer People Use Traditional Writing Tools Like Pencils And Pens

Nowadays, fewer people are using traditional writing tools like pens, pencils and brushes compared to the past. Why do you think this is happening? Does this trend have a positive or negative impact on society?

How to organize this essay?

Your essay should have 4 or 5 paragraphs – an introduction, two or three body paragraphs and a conclusion.

In the introduction, rewrite the given question in your own words. The essay prompt may have one or two questions. Briefly answer these questions. Here, for example, the task rubric asks why people no longer use traditional writing tools. Answer that question in one sentence. Conclude the opening paragraph with your opinion. Say whether this is a positive or negative development. Your introduction should have just 2 or 3 sentences.

In the first body paragraph explain why people no longer write with a pen or pencil. Use appropriate transitions to ensure the flow of ideas. Do not focus on any one idea. Include as many points as you can.

In the second body paragraph explain whether this is a positive or negative development. If you believe that it is positive, explain why it is positive. You can also argue that this development has both positive and negative aspects. Briefly mention those benefits and disadvantages.

In the conclusion, restate the main points. Do not introduce any new ideas. The conclusion should be 2 or 3 sentences long.

Band 9 IELTS essay sample

These days, hardly anyone writes with a pen or pencil. This is due to the widespread availability of laptops and tablets. In my opinion, this development both benefits and hurts individuals and society in some ways.

Even school children do not write these days. Many schools have replaced textbooks with tablets. Children scribble their notes with a stylus or they type on their computer. Most parents support this change because it eliminates the need for students to carry heavy bags to the school. Even after reaching home, most children complete their homework on their computers. Adults, too, no longer use traditional writing tools. Computers are now an integral part of their life and work. Technology has also changed the way we communicate with one another. Earlier people used to write letters to their friends and family. Now we rely almost entirely on emails for both formal and informal communication. We can also save the emails in our inbox and they will remain there until we delete them. The truth is that technology has eliminated the need to write on a paper.

In my opinion, typing on a computer or tablet is certainly easier and faster. Also, the typed word is always legible. This is not exactly the case with the written word. Some people write illegibly making their handwriting difficult to comprehend. When students type their test on a computer, they no longer have to worry about bad handwriting hurting their score. Also, electronic communication has almost literally eliminated paper from our schools and offices. This benefits the environment. Even so, in my opinion, there are some downsides to this development. The act of writing with a pen or pencil benefits us in several ways. First, it improves our hand-eye coordination. It also benefits motor development in children. When children do not write with a pencil or pen, it can affect their brain development in some ways. Another disadvantage is that people who do not write at all have difficulty remembering spellings. Writing software comes standard with grammar and spelling checkers. Consequently, fewer children learn spelling these days. When their phone or laptop is removed from them, they have difficulty writing a sentence without spelling or grammar errors. When I was in school, my teachers used to emphasise on the need to memorize spellings. Now my children are in school and they face hardly any pressure to learn spelling.

To sum up, thanks to the advent of computers and tablets, people hardly write with a pen or pencil these days. In my opinion, there are both positive and negative aspects to this. Typing on a computer or phone is certainly easier and faster than writing on a paper. Paper-less communication benefits the environment as well. However, people who depend too much on digital writing tools have reduced ability to memorize things.