Five Points to Remember while Writing Academic Writing Task 1

Read the question carefully.

Look at the given graph/chart/diagram. Try to understand what it shows. Does it show a trend, make a comparison or depict change? The vocabulary you use depends on the kind of information you have to describe.

Read the instructions carefully. If the given data contains time, date or year, write the report in the past tense. If no time is given, write the report in the present tense.

Omit minor details

You do not have to describe every tiny detail. Some graphs or charts contain too much information. It is not possible to mention all of that data in about 150 words. Hence, report only the most striking or important features.

Enhance your vocabulary

You should know common words that describe changes and trends. You should also know their synonyms. Prepare a list of these words and use them while you practice writing your reports before the exam. If you have sufficient vocabulary, you will not get stuck while writing your answer. By using synonyms, you can also avoid repeating words from the task rubric.

Write enough words

Do not spend more than 3 or 4 minutes for reading the question and preparing the answer in your mind. Once you have a mental map of what to write, you can start writing the answer.  You can download a sample IELTS writing answer sheet from the following URL:

Try to finish writing in about 15 minutes. Also, keep the word count in mind. You have to write at least 150 words. You will not have time to count the words on the actual test. So, you should already know how many words you normally write per line. While preparing for the test, use the official IELTS writing answer sheet. If you usually write 8 or 9 words per line, make sure that your answer has 20 – 22 lines.

Proof read

Spend at least 2 minutes for proof reading your answer. Try to correct as many mistakes as you can. Making corrections is easier if you use a pencil for writing your exam. Also, make sure that your answer is factually correct. If the data is not accurately described you will lose marks. Sometimes, students make mistakes while writing the years or numbers. Sometimes, they write the wrong units. For example, they may write billions instead of millions. All of these are mistakes that hurt your score.

What to do and what not to do

Use appropriate vocabulary. You should possess sufficient vocabulary to describe trends, changes or processes.

Use a variety of sentence patterns. Make sure that your answer contains at least 3-4 complex sentences.

Omit unimportant detail. However, do not omit any data that is important. If you are given a line graph, make sure that you describe the highest and lowest points. If there are major fluctuations in between, do mention them as well.

While describing a bar chart, mention the most significant and least significant change or difference. Similarly, in a pie chart, the field that contributes the most and the least should be mentioned.

Use appropriate connectors to link your sentences logically.

The question will include one or two sentences that describe what the visual data is about.  Do not repeat it in your answer. Instead, express the same idea using your own words.

Avoid repetition of words and phrases. While repetition does not cause ungrammaticality, it makes your writing dull. Hence, use synonyms of the words you have already mentioned.

You only have to describe what is shown in the diagram or chart. Do not explain why it is happening or whether it is happening for good or not. Likewise, do not make any predictions for future. Nor are you supposed to offer any suggestions for improvement.   


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