IELTS Essay about Supermarkets Selling Food from all over the World

In many countries nowadays, consumers can go to a supermarket and buy food produced all over the world. Do you think this is a positive or negative development?

Band 9 essay sample

Food travels thousands of miles these days. Supermarkets all over the world now sell foods produced in countries half way across the globe. In my opinion, there are both beneficial and detrimental aspects to this development.

To start with the benefits, we no longer have to travel to foreign countries to taste exotic cuisines. It is available in a supermarket right in the corner. This is a boon for our palate. There is a limit to the variety of foods that can be grown in any country. Grapes and apples, for example, grow in cold climates whereas mangoes grow in hot and humid tropical climates. The import and export of foods enable consumers to relish those tastes and flavours that cannot be grown or produced in their own country under normal circumstances. This development benefits farmers as well. They can now sell their produce to consumers all over the world. Exporting also prevents the spoilage of foods. There is a limit to the amount of produce that can be consumed locally. By exporting the surplus, farmers can not only earn additional revenue but also prevent food spoilage.

On the other hand, there are also some harmful consequences to this development. Imported food often contains higher levels of chemicals because it has to travel several thousands of miles. To increase the shelf life of these food products, manufacturers often add higher amounts of preservatives and other chemicals to them. Regular consumption of foods laced with preservatives and additives have harmful health consequences. Another negative development is that importing often causes a drop in the demand for locally grown food. People have a strange fascination for exotic fruits and vegetables. For example, in India, fruits like mangoes, oranges, papayas and guavas grow in abundance. They are healthy, delicious and cheap; yet, people choose to buy imported items like dragon fruit, avocado and kiwi. Cabbages and cauliflowers are locally grown, but people prefer imported broccoli to them. The fall in the demand for local produce hurts local farmers and has a negative impact on the local economy.

To conclude, when supermarkets sell food products from all over the world, it has both positive and negative effects on consumers and producers. While it enables us to taste a variety of fruits, vegetables and other foods, it can also hurt our health in the long term because imported food is likely to have higher concentration of preservatives. Importing also limits the demand for local produce and affects local farmers, but at the same time, it enables them to find buyers overseas.


This essay should get band 9. It addresses the task well. The writer expressed their opinion in the introduction itself and then defended that opinion with valid supporting points. The writer also included some examples to support their opinion.

Overall, grammar is good and vocabulary is adequate.

Key vocabulary used in this essay

Beneficial – helpful, useful, advantageous, favourable

Detrimental – harmful, unfavourable, disadvantageous

Exotic – foreign, non-native

Cuisine –a style of cooking characteristic of a particular region or country

Boon – blessing

Palate – our sense of taste

Relish – enjoy, savour

Tropical climates – climates of the regions surrounding the equator

Produce – agricultural and other naturally grown products

How to write a ‘positive or negative development’ essay

Here the essay prompt asks whether this is a positive or negative development. You have basically three options here. You can claim that it is positive or you can claim that it is negative. You can also argue that there are both positive and negative sides to it.

In the essay given above, the writer argues that there are both positive and negative aspects to importing and exporting food. The body paragraphs are written in such way that they support the writer’s opinion. The first body paragraph explains the benefits and the second body paragraph explains the downsides.

If you believe that this is a positive development, the whole of your essay should explain why it is a positive development. Do not mention any negative points in this case. If you believe that it is a negative development, your essay should explain why it is so. Do not mention any positives in this case.

Make sure that your arguments support the opinion expressed in the introduction. Maintain the same stand throughout the essay.