It Is Important for Everyone Including Children to Save Money for Their Future

To what extent do you agree or disagree with this statement? This question is taken from IELTS Cambridge 19.

Band 9 IELTS essay sample

Some people insist that everybody should cultivate the habit of saving money for their future. I fully agree with this view. In fact, we need to develop this habit from our childhood itself.

There is absolutely no justification for spending all that we earn. Some people, especially those who believe in living life to the fullest, spend all of their money. They even borrow money to fulfill their dreams and aspirations like expensive cars and foreign vacations. Unfortunately, this habit traps them in a vicious cycle. They are always borrowing money to pay off their debts. Even if they do not borrow and earn enough to meet their expenses, the fact that they have no savings can put them in great difficulty at times.

Life is full of uncertainties. We may be earning well today. However, there is no guarantee that we will continue to earn as well as we do today. We can get laid off or we may develop a health problem that affects our ability to hold a job. When earnings dry up, we need savings to fall back on. Those who lack savings will have to depend on social welfare schemes when their financial situation changes.

By contrast, if we developed the habit of saving a portion of our earnings right from our childhood, we can live a stress-free life. We can rest assured that we will never end up on the street should something happen to our health or source of income. This alone is sufficient to give us peace of mind. We are living in an age where job security is a lie. Companies are laying off employees at short notice. Due to the rising unemployment rate, finding a new job is no longer easy. Also, thanks to the nuclear family setup, we can no longer depend on support from siblings or extended family. In fact, we are now very much on our own and as such ensuring our financial security is our responsibility. The easiest way to accomplish this is to save some money for the future. Parents can and should inculcate this habit in their children. Children learn by observing their elders. For this reason, it is important for parents to set the right example by resisting the tendency to spend money on useless things. They can also give their children a piggybank to cultivate the habit of saving in them. These are simple measures but they go a long way in raising financially independent children.

In short, life is so certain. We do not know how long we will live or whether we will continue to earn throughout our lives. For this reason, it is essential for us to save money for the rainy day. Knowing that we have some savings to meet unforeseeable expenses will help us sail through life with a sense of security.


This essay is a bit too long. However, content is good. The writer is able to substantiate their opinion with convincing arguments. Grammar is good. Overall, this seems band 9.