Success and University Degree | IELTS Essay Sample

Some people think that the best way to become successful in life is to get a university education, whereas others say this is no longer true. Discuss both these views and give your own opinion.

Band 9 essay sample

According to some people, if a person wants to achieve success in life, they have to obtain a university degree. Others insist that in order to become successful, one no longer needs a degree. In my opinion, people who lack formal education can also become successful in life especially in this age of internet and social media. Still, a university degree makes it easier.

People who want to become a doctor, a lawyer or a teacher certainly need a degree. For example, a person cannot start practicing as a doctor or a lawyer without a university degree in medical science or law. Many other jobs also require a university degree. For a person who seeks success in a field that requires formal education, getting a university degree is definitely the best route. Without going to university it is not possible to acquire the expertise required to perform these jobs.

Still, there are many jobs and careers that do not require a degree. Take, for instance, the case of jobs in the field of science and technology. One does not need a degree to become a scientist or inventor. Thomas Alva Edison, one of the greatest inventors of all times, did not have a degree. Many successful scientists also lacked a degree. However, they possessed an innate talent and intelligence. Even today, in the field of computer science, while companies tend to hire employees with a formal degree in computer engineering, sometimes those who lack a degree can also get hired if they possess good coding skills. Likewise, one does not need a degree to become an actor or singer. Some of the greatest celebrities of our times debuted on social media. They possessed some talent which they showcased in front of the world with the help of the internet. While it is possible to argue that this success can be short-lived, the fact is that they were able to achieve name and fame without a degree.

In short, a university degree certainly makes it easier for people to achieve success. It is also a must for those who seek a career in medicine, law or teaching. However, it is not essential or even required for success in many other fields.  


This essay discusses both views as required. The writer has a clear opinion and the body paragraphs support it. There are no grammar mistakes. The essay is neatly divided into 4 paragraphs. It makes good use of cohesive elements and is easy to understand and interesting to read. Overall band score: 9/9.

How to write a complex sentence with if

By writing complex sentences correctly, you can significantly improve your writing score. Any sentence that consists of one main clause and one or more subordinate clauses is a complex sentence. We use a subordinating conjunction or relative pronoun to connect the main clause and subordinate clause. One such conjunction that we can use to connect two clauses is if.

Consider the following sentence.

  • If people want to achieve success in life, they have to obtain a university degree.

This is an example of a zero conditional sentence. We use the zero conditional to talk about situations that are always true. In zero conditional, we use a simple present tense in both clauses.

  • If you eat right, your health improves.
  • If you heat ice, it melts.

There are three other types of conditional / if sentences as well. They are:

Type 1 conditional

The Type 1 conditional is used to talk about real and possible situations. Here we use a simple present tense in the if-clause and will/can/may + infinitive in the main clause.

  • If I need help, I will call you.
  • If you work hard, you will get a raise.

Type 2 conditional

The Type 2 conditional is used to talk about unreal or improbable situations. Here we use a simple past tense in the if-clause and would/could/might + infinitive in the main clause.

  • If I needed help, I would call you. (In reality, I didn’t need help and hence I didn’t call you.)
  • If you worked hard, you would get a raise. (You didn’t work hard, and hence you didn’t get a raise.)

Type 3 conditional

The Type 3 conditional is used to talk about purely imaginary or hypothetical situations. Here we use a past perfect in the if-clause and would/could/might have + past participle in the main clause.

  • If I had needed help, I would have called you.
  • If you had worked hard, you would have got a raise.

If clauses add variety to your writing, so try to use them. And while writing sentences with if, take care to use appropriate verb forms.