Verbs not Used in the Continuous Form

The present continuous tense is used to talk about actions or situations that are going on at the moment of speaking. That means the actions have started but they have not finished.

  • He is driving.
  • They are waiting.
  • The baby is sleeping.
  • He is doing his homework.

Some verbs are not normally used in the continuous form. Most of them refer to states. Examples are: like, want, need, prefer, know, realise, suppose, mean, believe, understand, remember, belong, fit, contain, consist, seem

  • She seems to be a spy. (NOT She is seeming to be a spy.)
  • I know the answer. (NOT I am knowing the answer.)
  • I need help. (NOT I am needing help.)
  • Do you understand? (NOT Are you understanding?)
  • I want to find a good job. (NOT I am wanting to find a good job.)

Some verbs have different meanings when they are used in simple and continuous forms. For example, when think means ‘believe’ or ‘have an opinion’, we do not use the continuous form. When think means ‘consider’, we use the continuous form.

The verbs feel and look can be used in the continuous or simple forms with little difference of meaning.  

The verbs see, hear, smell and taste are not normally used in the continuous form. It is common to use these verbs with the auxiliary verb can.

  • Can you hear something? (NOT Are you hearing something?)


Fill in the blanks with the present simple or present continuous tense form of the verb.

1. ………………….. a bird in the picture? (you see)

2. I am thirsty. I ………………… something to drink. (want)

3. She ………………… happy to see me. (not seem)

4. I ……………… something burning. (can smell / am smelling / smell)

5. ‘Can you lend me your pen?’ ‘No. I …………….. it.’ (use / am using)

6. She ………………. (not remember) anything about the accident.

7. I ………………. you are busy at the moment. (suppose / am supposing)

8. He ……………… his mistakes. (not realize)

9. We ………………. hardly anything about extra-terrestrial life. (know / are knowing)

10. I ……………… in gender equality. (believe / am believing)

11. I ………………. tea to coffee. (prefer)

12. We thought we would be able to finish the job in an hour. But it ……………. longer than expected. (takes / is taking)

13. I ……………….. more than five minutes for me to get dressed. (not take)

14. I ………………… of quitting my job. (think / am thinking)

15. I …………….. (want / am wanting) to paint the walls red. What ………………. (you think)?

16. How ………………… today? (you feel)

17. This packet ………………. 3 kg of flour. (contain)

18. This book ……………….. of 18 chapters. (consist)

19. I ………………. she is German but I am not sure. (think / am thinking)

20. This shirt ……………….. (not fit) me.

21. I ……………. fine today. (feel / am feeling)

22. You ……………….tired today. (look / looking)


1. Do you see, 2. want, 3. does not seem, 4. can smell, 5. am using, 6. does not remember, 7. suppose, 8. does not realise, 9. know, 10. believe, 11. prefer, 12. is taking, 13. do not take, 14. am thinking, 15. want, do you think, 16. do you feel / are you feeling, 17. contains, 18. consists of, 19. think, 20. does not fit, 21. feel / am feeling, 22. look